Keep Moving Forward

This week’s assignment is a short one, I just need to give an overview of how my project is going so far. As I said last week I just switched my project topic to focus on the work I did over the summer with the Historic Preservation Board. So, I spent this week going back … More Keep Moving Forward

Trading in the Parliament House for the Minimal Traditional House

Hello lovely readers! This week I have been tasked with focusing my project and ‘asking a question and searching for data’…. So as the weeks have gone on, I have become more and more frustrated with my idea for the Parliament House timeline project. As I progressed through the project, it didn’t seem innovative, interesting, … More Trading in the Parliament House for the Minimal Traditional House

Evolution of Design

Hello dear readers! Try not to think about that hilarious evolution of dance video now…. This semester is getting well underway and my vision for my digital project has finally started to come together. As I said last week, I will be created a timeline of the Parliament House Resort and its history here in … More Evolution of Design

Big Data and Distant Reading (no it’s not the band or reading from afar…)

Hello again lovely readers! This week is all about BIG data, distant reading, and text mining. Distant Reading When I first started reading the assignments for this week, I had no clue what distant reading meant, to the point where I made a joke about reading signs from far away, kind of like this… What … More Big Data and Distant Reading (no it’s not the band or reading from afar…)

The Spatial Turn and GIS (Another Lesson in Modern Cartography)

Hello Lovelies! Welcome back to my riveting weekly blog. This weeks subject as you all know is one of my favorites…GIS!!! In all actuality, I have been learning so much about this subject and it has started to grow on me. I love what GIS can accomplish for historians, but I still don’t really understand … More The Spatial Turn and GIS (Another Lesson in Modern Cartography)